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 Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose

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Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose Empty
MessageSujet: Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose   Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose Icon_minitimeMer 23 Mai - 22:21

Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose Empty
[SIZE="2"]▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄

[SIZE="6"]【[/SIZE][SIZE="4"]Scrolling Text Box[/SIZE][SIZE="6"]】[/SIZE]


[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]Now lets add a border around our text box. There are a few different types of borders you can put around the box. There is solid, dotted, dash, grooved, double, ridged, outset, and inset.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Oh look! There is a border around my text box. Isn't this neat. Now, lets mess with the different styles of borders other than solid, which is the most common.


Not only can you put text in the scroll box, but also pictures. To put pictures in the box, you need the code.

[SIZE="1"]HTML Roleplaying Coding Guide[/SIZE]

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Guide de codage html N°2 merci à November Rose

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